Borderlands 2 3rd Person Mod

Since the release of Borderlands 2, my site has been slammed with traffic from users searching “Borderlands 2 third person” and all variations of that query. It seems like a lot of you want to know if/how to play Borderlands 2 from this particular camera angle, and coincidentally, my blog is called In Third Person. Though I appreciate all of the extra traffic to my site, I really hope Google isn’t driving people here that will ultimately be disappointed when my posts don’t answer the question. With that in mind, I’ll answer this seemingly burning question:

“Can you play Borderlands 2 from a third person perspective?

Borderlands 2 Nexus Third Person Mod

Borderlands 2 - Enable 3rd Person View PC Tutorial Borderlands2 Blink -Courtesy of MgrInzPlayer Boss Unlocker and Evil Smasher Mod and Rarity Rate Mod for BL2 -Courtesy of MgrInzPlayer. Look down the bottom of Cheat Engine, you should see 'Third Person Mode v3 (press F5 to toggle)', click the square check box on the left, it is under the tab named 'Active'. Maximize Borderlands 2 which you're tabbed out of and press F5 to toggle third person on/off. I followed your instructions. (Actually the order doesn't matter much, so long as the borderlands 2 proccess is running so you can select it in CE) The tried the script, it works fine. I went back and adjusted my 3rd person camera in WillowGame.ini to put the crosshair just over the top of my characters head. I didn't want it to be a toggle though.

Borderlands 2 3rd Person Mod

If you are playing on an XBOX 360 or Playstation 3, then the definitive answer is no. It’s a first person shooter through and through. Despite all of the marketing that hardly shows any first person action, the entirety of the game is played in first person.

If you’re on PC, you may be able to make it work with a mod. The original game had a mod that let you play the game from a third person perspective, though its performance isn’t optimal, as the original game wasn’t designed to be played that way. I’m not sure where the community is at regarding workable mods that allow you to do this in the sequel, though I’m sure someone will figure something out eventually.

There is a mod out there to play in third person, if you look up 'Borderlands 2 Nexus Third Person Mod' okay, I'll try later, thank you man. Third Person Mode v3.2 - press G to toggle on/off, check the content of the script if you want the key changed to F5 like Lebensgefahr's script. when on, the camera will change back to first person camera when fine-aiming by pressing the default zoom key, and back to third person camera upon exiting fine-aiming.

Borderlands 2 Third Person Mod 2018

OCTOBER 11, 2012 UPDATE: If my explanation isn’t enough for you, please refer to this thread on the official Gearbox forums.

APRIL 2, 2015 UPDATE: Noticed the above link no longer works. Can’t validate this, but I found this on Nexus Mods for those still looking for a way to play this game from a third person view.


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