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  • If you want to ace a test, the most important things you can do are study the subject thoroughly, get plenty of rest the night before, and try to remain as calm as possible while you're taking the exam. However, no matter how hard you.

I am sure you might have encountered, in the first week of your college, the situation like, “Hey! What is your The Rice Purity test score”? And you were what the heck that is. If you have been through such a situation, you are absolutely innocent knowing nothing about this test.

It's quite a question to have about yourself, but everyone wonders this from time to time. Maybe you feel a fakey vibe, or someone's gaze doesn't meet your eyes or match their words. Find out here if you might be inspiring some people to hate you. Lots of folks are in the same position you are in having to take a Wonderlic test after being out of school for so long. That is why we made our online course so simple and straightforward, yet thorough. We cover everything on the exam in detail, step-by-step so nobody feels left behind even if they have been out of school for a long time.

The Purity Test is one of the most taken quizzes and test in the world. It is for the young students, people at college and everyone who is willing to know how worldly they are. The test contains around one hundred questions regarding sex, drugs, crime, vice and otherworldly things.

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The interesting factor is many students are asked what their The Rice Purity quiz score is when they get admission in colleges. The purpose of the test is to judge yourself what things you have done in lifelike sexual intercourse, taking drugs, misbehaving with the police or committing any crimes. This website is the official website to test your score.

The purpose of the test is fun and it is created for letting people judge themselves. The below button link is given to check your score. Reddit forum has some subreddits to discuss it. This is Official Website LINK.

How Rice Purity Test Started Official?

The history of Rice Thresher Purity Test Original is really old as it started at the Rice University, Texas in the 1980s. The initial purpose of the test was to let students know how the university was shaping their life and what changes they have made in a certain time.

With the passage of time and popularity of the internet, Rice Purity Test became a real sensation. The test is now used to help seniors determine how innocent the incoming influx of the students is. Many online sites offer the test and you can take it with friends as well.

Let me clear this with an example. When you go to college, you are at O-Week, the fresher, and you perform the test answering all the questions. The score of the test determines how innocent or wicked you are. You can do the test after different periods, like six months or a year, and compare the results. The results will demonstrate what things you had not done before college and how college made you do what things.

How to Attempt Rice Purity Test Online?

The test comprises 100 questions that require YES or No answers, without anything else. All you need is, to be honest, and transparent while answering every question. It will have questions from different angles and about what things a person has done.

If you mess up and pretend to be like a pious guy, you may end up getting the most score. But this is not what the test is about. Rather, it is about how good or bad you are in few things. Transparency is important.

We will talk about the score in the next section and what a score number shows. There are traits of every score that determine the personality of the person.

What Does Rice Purity Test Include?

It includes everything. Questions on different, and random things like your romantic relationships, dating, and anything.

1. Romantic Relationship:

You might have noticed the college students make romantic relationships at the beginning of their college life. So they become less innocent. Before entering the college, they were innocent. This is what the test is about. It has a few questions on your romantic relationship. The examples are:

  • Been in a romantic relationship?
  • Kissed a non-family member?
  • French kissed in public?
  • Kissed or has been kissed on the breast?

2. Se*xual Life:

How your sexual life is and what things in sex you have done so far are a part of the test. This requires you to be honest. You will see different questions like:

  • Masturbated to a picture or video?
  • Masturbated while someone else was in the room?
  • Seen or read pornographic material?
  • Gave oral se*x?

3. Drugs and Drinking:

We know all do drugs and consume alcohol. The test contains many questions regarding how a person is when it comes to drugs. Certain drugs are illegal in all states and countries so how a person managed to do these drugs is a part of the test. You will encounter questions like:

  • Used marijuana?
  • Used tobacco?
  • Used a drug stronger than marijuana?

4. Crime and Police:

Not all people are the same. If you have ever been caught by police for any reason, doing drugs, having sex, the police arrested and the things like these will be in your Rice Purity Test. The purpose is to judge a person when it comes to crimes and facing the police. Expect questions like these:

  • Run from the police?
  • Had the police handcuffed you?
  • Been convicted of a crime?
  • Committed an act of vandalism?

The Score – And What It Tells About You?

Like every online quiz, you also get to know the score in the Rice Purity Test. The average score is calculated online, if you attempt it online, otherwise by any possible way based on your answers. There are few score categories and each has a peculiar trait showing the qualities and life of the scorer.

Below 45 Score:

People scoring below 45 are everything but hopeful, realistic, full of happiness and determined. They need help and assistance to enjoy their life.

76-45 Score:

People scoring between 76-45 are really shy. They are not social at all and have not enjoyed so many things in their life. They don’t like to get out of their comfort zone and challenge the world.

93-77 Score:

It is interesting to learn most of the people who attempt the test fall in this category. The people in this category are sophisticated and have great control over their lives. They become either artists or develop leadership skill and are indulged in healthy practices.

97-94 Score:

This is the second group from top and people falling here are those with the firm and disciplined personality. They could also score 100 in future, anytime. They are indeed constantly growing and making improvements in their life.


100-98 Score:

This category has a small percentage of the people who attempt the test. They are extremely rich and even brat. The spoiled kids and youth fall into this category. They are criminals, involved in all the wrong things. People here may not be rich but those who want to experience the extreme in everything in their life fall in the category as well.

What is the Meaning of Rice Purity Test?

It is an online survey by Rice University students to measure the innocence of someone. This survey has some questions related to sex, drugs, cheating, relationship, and other activities. The 100 Score tells the most innocent and 0% means the least pure. There are 100 questions on it, and we may add more questions soon, up to 500.

The average score is about 50-60%. And this is unblocked website to open on any university.

When was the purity test created?

This test is created in 1980 in university called Rice and become so popular in students.

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What is a bad score in this innocent test?

This is a self-taken survey that may decide your innocence by scores 1-100. And The more the scores you got, the more the pure you will be.

This repository contains the firmware updater (chromeos-firmwareupdate) that will update firmware images related to verified boot, usually host (also known as AP, BIOS or MAIN) and EC (Embedded Controller).


Auto update is one of the most important feature in Chrome OS. Updating firmware is one of the most complicated process, since all Chromebooks come with firmware that implemented verified boot and must be able to update in background silently.

Using Firmware Updater

The firmware updater was made as an self-extracting archive with firmware images, updating logic, even utility programs.

In all modes, updater will try to preserve a list of known firmware data, for example the VPD sections (RO_VPD, RW_VPD), and components in GBB section like HWID.

Update manually

Usually you can find the updater in /usr/sbin/chromeos-firmwareupdate on a Chrome OS device (or the rootfs partition of a disk image).

To look at its contents (firmware images and versions) in machine friendly way:

Currently we also support a human readable form:

Usually for people who wants to “update all my firmware to right states”, do:

The recovery mode will try to update RO+RW if your write protection is not enabled, otherwise only RW.

If your are not sure about write protection status but you only want RW to be updated, run:

The --wp argument will override you real write protection status.

If your want everything (RO and RW) to be updated and would like the updater to check WP state for you:

Simulating ChromeOS Auto Update

The ChromeOS Auto Update (update_engine) runs updater in a different way - a two-step trial process.

If you want to simulate and test that, do:

Building Firmware Updater

The updater is provided by the virtual/chromeos-firmware package in Chromium OS source tree, which will be replaced and includes the chromeos-base/chromeos-firmware-${BOARD} package in private board overlays.

To build an updater locally, in chroot run:

If your board overlay has defined USE flags bootimage or cros_ec, chromeos-firwmare-${BOARD} package will add dependency to firmware and EC source packages (chromeos-bootimage and chromeos-ec), and have the firmware images in /build/${BOARD}/firmware/{image,ec}.bin.

In other words, you can remove bootimage and cros_ec in branches that you don't need firmware from source, for example the factory branches or ToT, especially if there are external partners who only has access to particular board private overlays. To do that, find the make.conf in board overlay and add USE='-bootimage -cros_ec'.

Manipulating Firmware Updater Packages

The firmware updater packages lives in private board overlays: src/private-overlays/overlay-${BOARD}-private/chromeos-base/chromeos-firmware-${BOARD}/chromeos-firmware-${BOARD}-9999.ebuild. Find a template here in chromiumos-base/chromeos-firmware-null.

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Usually there are few fields you have to fill:


A reference to the Main (AP) firmware image, which usually comes from emerge-${BOARD} chromeos-booimage then /build/${BOARD}/firmware/image.bin.

Usually this implies both RO and RW. See CROS_FIRMWARE_MAIN_RW_IMAGE below for more information.

You have to run ebuild-${BOARD} chromeos-firmware-${BOARD}.ebuild manifest whenever you've changed the image files (CROS_FIRMWARE_*_IMAGE).


A reference to the Main (AP) firmware image and only used for RW sections.

If this value is set, CROS_FIRMWARE_MAIN_IMAGE will be used for RO and this will be used for RW.


A reference to the Embedded Controller (EC) firmware image, which usually comes from emerge-${BOARD} chromeos-ec then /build/${BOARD}/firmware/ec.bin.

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Technical Details


The firmware updater is built by running pack_firmware.py, which collects firmware image files, and then archived in ZIP format with a special bootstrap SFX script pack/sfx2.sh.

For details about package format, check pack/README.md.

Updater logic

Here's a detailed list of how each updater mode works:

  • --mode=autoupdate: Invoked by update_engine when a payload is installed.

    1. Check if WP is enabled.
    2. If WP is enabled, update RW / inactive and exit. After system reboot. The update_engine will invoke chromeos-setgoodfirmware after 60 secs, which will update or mark booted RW firmware to active.
    3. If WP is disabled, check if the RO section is same as CROS_FIRMWARE_MAIN_IMAGE. If yes, go 2. Otherwise, do --mode=recovery.
  • --mode=recovery: Invoked by recovery shim after installed.

    1. Check if WP is enabled.
    2. If WP is enabled, update both RW/A, RW/B and exit.
    3. If WP is disabled, update whole image except preserved sections like VPD. This includes RO, RW/A, and RW/B.

Note in recovery mode, the HWID and flags in GBB are both preserved.

  • --mode=factory: A special recovery mode for factory initial imaging that always runs as wp=0 and NOT preserving GBB flags.
    1. Check if WP is enabled, and exit with failure if enabled.
    2. Update whole image except preserved sections like VPD. This includes RO, RW/A, and RW/B.

Note in factory mode, in addition to preserved sections, the HWID in GBB will also be preserved. Other GBB data (root key, recovery key, flags) will be changed. The GBB flags must be changed because in factory process we need to overwrite the flags so we can ensure developer mode or other factory friendly settings being turned on in the first boot.

  • --mode=legacy: A special mode that only updates RW_LEGACY.

  • --mode=output: A special mode for updater with multiple sets of images.

    1. Collect system information like model and white label tags.
    2. Apply patches like signing key blocks if available.
    3. Write images to given output folder (--output_dir).