To Kill A Mockingbirdmr. Becker's Classroom

Prejudice is arguably the most prominent theme of the novel. It is directed towards groups and individuals in the Maycomb community. Prejudice is linked with ideas of fear superstition and injustice.

  1. To Kill A Mockingbird Book Review
  2. To Kill A Mockingbird Sparknotes
  3. To Kill A Mockingbirdmr. Becker's Classroom Behavior
  4. To Kill A Mockingbird Wikipedia
  5. To Kill A Mockingbird Characters

To Kill a Mockingbird movie clips: THE MOVIE: miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: DESC. Classic, To Kill a Mockingbird. SEE is a non-profit teaching organization based in Milford, Connecticut, with the mission to provide learning experiences that advance ethics and character. The following To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) unit is designed to be taught to students in middle or high school.

Racial prejudice consumed the mob (pg 166), which wished to prevent Tom even gaining a court hearing, the most basic form of justice. This is probably the fiercest form of prejudice in the novel. The abolition of slavery after the civil war gave blacks the same legal position as many whites in America.

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This initially made Blacks’ lives harder because now the Whites saw them as competitors for jobs during the 30s depression. Fear and paranoid led to the Whites believing that the Blacks desired all the whites had, including their women.

Aunt Alexandra’s attitude to CalpurniaThe Missionary tea ladies’ comments about the BlacksSegregation of White and Black in MaycombDolphus Raymond – White man living with Black womanClass ; Family Group is recognised by Jem on page 249 “There are four kinds of folks in the world” -Finches ; neighbours: White middle-classCunninghams: Badly hit farming communityEwells: Lowest class of whites White Trash’Blacks: Seen as bottom of social strataDue to the abolition of slavery there was no longer a clear-cut line between the Ewells and the Blacks; skin colour did not make them any better.

To Kill A Mockingbirdmr. Becker

When Tom said in the trial that he felt sorry for Mayella (a crime worse than rape in the jury’s eyes) – the lowest class showing superiority for a class above themselves. The white community was frightened for their own position in society; the only reason Tom was found guilty was to maintain the traditional hierarchies.

Alexandra is obsessed with heredity and educating Scout and Jem of their superior family background – she will not allow Scout to bring home a Cunningham to play, nor will she allow her to visit Calpurnia at her home. Everyone in Maycomb has a particular “streak” (pg 143), mean streak, drinking streak etc. There is a lot of pigeon holing families (pg 145).

Gender – At the time the novel is set, women were still regarded as unequal to men. Scout learns this from:Miss Maudie in terms of religion (pg 50)Atticus in terms of the law – no women on juriesAlexandra in expected terms of dress and behaviourHowever, there was an idealised view of women held at the time – the Southern Gentleman was excepted to be chivalrous to Southern Belles and that these women were to be protected and almost worshiped. Mayella played on this idea at the trial to blackmail the jury into defending her.

Tom Robinson’s hearing was thus not only racial, but also class and gender prejudice entered into it.

INDIVIDUALSPrejudice directed towards individuals in the novel who do not fit into the expected behavioural patterns of society and about whom little is known. This is fed by:Fear – Children are frightened of Boo Radley; an outsider to society whom they have never seenRumour – Children have heard rumours from Miss Stephanie and other children about BooSuperstition – Views such as ghosts and stories they have been told whilst growing up feed their fears of BooWhen the children mature and realise that Boo is a real person, capable of suffering like everyone else, the prejudice dies. Other people who are targeted are:- Miss Maudie by the foot-washers for her love of nature- Atticus by the community for defending a Black man- Tom Robinson himselfHarper Lee indicates that the breaking down of prejudice has to be targeted towards individuals initially, like the Cunningham man at the trial. As Miss Maudie says “a baby step” must be taken instead of trying to solve all prejudice at once.

Solutions to prejudiceAtticus’ Maxim – if you attempt to stand in another’s shoes (skin) you will be able to see their point of view and thus there will be an understanding and tolerance thus no prejudice. Atticus does this with Mrs Dubose and Mr Ewell and as the children mature, they learn to do this with various characters, such as Mayella Ewell and Boo Radley. Atticus tries to get into the skin of Robert Ewell, but here he fails (maybe a sign of his humanity?) and Harper Lee seems to be able to offer no explanation as to what to do with inherently evil characters such as Mr Ewell.

Challenged Stereotypes-Blacks – Viewed as either evil or stupid but lovable childlike people. Tom & Calpurnia are seen as normal humans, the same as the Whites and are often more law-abiding and hardworking than some Whites.

Southern Gentleman – Atticus does not simply worship Southern Belles, but is polite in his own way to everyone equally. He is “in favour of southern womanhood as much as anybody, but not for preserving polite fiction at the expense of human life”Southern Belle – Scout does not fit into this role of a young Belle and is accordingly mocked’ by the Missionary Circle. Atticus is not concerned with making Scout into a “ray of sunshine”, although Harper Lee does make concessions here with showing Scout to be sympathetic towards the Belle image.

Harper lee’s aim for her readers seems to be to live the lives of her characters, to live Atticus’ Maxim and by doing this make them appreciate similar characters in their own communities, especially those you know little about. It is a sin’ to harm an innocent (mockingbird). Harper Lee does not suggest a quick solution to prejudice, which is why it is such a realistic book.

Symbolism – Mockingbird is the most significant symbol in the novel. Repeated image of an innocent creature to form a strong motif. Mockingbird is a type of Finch (family name significant: Atticus could view the Mockingbirds as part of his family that he ought to protect). First shown in Chpt 10 where Atticus says “shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (symbol for Mr Ewell?). Because mockingbirds are neither harmful nor destructive – they only make nice music for people to enjoy.

Symbol for Boo Radley and Tom Robinson is not drawn together until the very end of the book where Scout realises that the public exposure of Boo would be “sort of like shootin’ a mockingbird”.

Both characters show kindness: Boo to the children and Tom to MayellaBoth are innocent: Boo of his evil persona and Tom of the crime of rapeBoth are victims of prejudiceBoth are imprisoned and potentially vulnerable: Boo is imprisoned to protect him from prejudice and Tom is imprisoned and killed as a result of prejudice. Atticus could also be a mockingbird, he has sung Tom’s song of truth to the people and he has been ignored. Mockingbird is refered to throughout the novel:After the Mad Dog incidentWhen waiting for the Jury’s verdictIn Mr Underwood’s article about Tom’s deathWhen Scout & Jem are going to the pageant At tense moments even the mockingbird is silent and at moments of descriptive beauty, the mockingbird is referred to lurking in the background.

Mockingbird-Children mock Boo’s life as they make fun of it and intimidate itMayella accuses Atticus of mocking herTrial is a mockery of justiceOther symbols are the snowman, showing how superficial skin colour is; Mrs Dubose’s camellias showing deep rooted prejudices that must be tugged from the roots; Boo’s tree as his desire to communicate with the innocent’ children which is broken by the cement then re-established after the fire.

Courage – Jem rescues his trousers; Chuck Little stands up to Burris Ewell in class; Maudie’s optimism after her house burnt down; Link Deas speaking out for the Robinsons.

Real courage: Mrs Dubose fighting the losing battle with her addiction but still carrying on; Fighting evil and prejudice by an act of bravery, eg.

To Kill A Mockingbird Book Review

To kill a mockingbirdmr. becker

Mr Underwood’s article about TomBoo rescuing the childrenAtticus represents Tom even though success is unlikely (real courage) and he makes a stand against racial prejudice in the community (courageous act).


1. Who shot the dog and why?

2. Why was the dog not foaming at the mouth?

3. Why are Jem and Scout so shocked?

4. Why doesn’t Atticus let Jem tackle him?

5. Why does Atticus never tell anyone about his achievements?

To Kill A Mockingbirdmr. Becker


To Kill A Mockingbird Sparknotes

1.How was the dog sick during February?

To Kill A Mockingbirdmr. Becker's Classroom Behavior

2. Why did the dog stop and look at Boo Radely’s house?

3. Why was the dog so determined to make it to its original path?

To Kill A Mockingbird Wikipedia

4. What symbols were there in this chapter, if there were any at all?

5. What character development occurs this chapter? Give examples.


To Kill A Mockingbird Characters

Read the following news story about a rabid dog. Could this have happened if the dog in Maycomb was not taken care of? Compare and analyze how the settings of these stories changes potential resolution and result/ consequence to this conflict.