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Hip-hop icon Chuck D and the supergroup Prophets of Rage (Public Enemy, Cypress Hill and Rage Against the Machine) are due back in Europe after a show in Brooklyn, New York, on June 5. I caught up with Chuck before the group headed to Rome — the site where the late legend Muhammad Ali won a boxing gold medal in 1960. Hip-hop wasn’t the term used back in those days for the champ’s poetic rhyming — a style showcasing prefight predictions of when and how he would defeat opponents along the way to a 56-5 professional record. His swag is something I call Black Mustard. Below, Chuck speaks to how the fearlessness of the Greatest of All Time became a basis for the confident and supremely competitive lyrics that eventually became hip-hop. It is a conversation modified for length and flow.

Oct 8, 2015 - Twelve easy ways to make an art studio in your home, no matter how small or cluttered! Compared to hour 3 (which was the first post-ALI measurement), plasma IL-8 was significantly lower at hour 6 for the NIV-NAVA group, but not for the VC group (Figure 5B). Figure 5 Markers of lung injury for volume control (VC) and non-invasive ventilation with neurally adjusted ventilator assist (NIV-NAVA). First five years post-ALI – little evidence for fewer symptoms if assessed later post-ALI. using psychiatrist diagnoses of PTSD: 44% at hospital discharge, 25% at 5 years, and 24% at 8 years In-ICU “risk factors” – longer duration of sedation associated with more PTSD symptoms – memories of adverse ICU.

“Muhammad Ali appears frequently along the timeline of my life. I was born in 1960 — the year he went to Rome in the Olympics. Of course, growing up and seeing a black man on TV, not only boxing, but being able to win, grab the mic, snatch it back (thank God) and sound like he’s in a rhythmic flow, with a good tone of voice, doing some rappin’. It was just astounding. As kids, we couldn’t help but be amazed.

“Hip-hop originated pretty much in Africa. Hip-hop is the creativity of black folks, or black folks being judicious with our voice to express ourselves. If you’re not allowed to tell somebody to take their foot off your shoulder, their feet off your face, their foot off your existence — ‘they’ being the powers that be — that expression will come out through a whole lot of different portals. It just happened to be that the elements of hip-hop were pretty much the expression of creativity in art and culture. You can say turntables, dance, microphones and graffiti, but really it’s musicianship, vocalization, dance culture, and also art culture. Those are the elements of what is called hip-hop, but this is the essentially the element of cultural creativity.

“Muhammad Ali not only influenced hip-hop of course from the rhyming aspect, which is a known fact, but the brash swagger of backing it up: going into the dozens, making predictions. His boldness is hip-hop. It’s like he was saying, ‘First and foremost, I’m gonna overshadow everything in my path so that you won’t forget me ever. And I’m gonna throw some rhyme on top of it.’ It’s total hip-hop. Total rap! It was backed by performance. That’s the thing about it.

“If you consider Muhammad Ali and his relationship to hip-hop, you automatically think of rhymes, right, because he was such an orator (‘I’m so mean, I make medicine sick’), right? But everybody also tried to do the Ali shuffle as much as they tried to do the James Brown. That’s dance culture right there. Those aspects were clear. The next generation that came out post-Ali that influenced a great passion of the youth in the ’70s and ’80s was Sugar Ray Leonard. His aura definitely came from that ‘Book of Ali.’

“Public Enemy No. 1 was a Sugar Ray-rhyme before everyone started rhyming about Tyson:

“Cause I can go solo — like a Sugar Ray bolo/

Make the fly girls wanna have my photo/

Run in their room — hang it on the wall.

“That came from Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Roberto Duran when Sugar gave Duran that bolo shot that made him say, ‘No mas.’ Muhammad Ali birthed all of that.

“Now, we can go into the history and say the flair of Muhammad Ali came from Sugar Ray Robinson, but I think Robinson’s flair was the contribution of the dark ’50s. As much as the United States says it knows about culture, the one thing that is still not known — like the Dark Continent [Africa] — is what really was going on with black culture during dark ’30s, ’40s and ’50s, as the country was just coming out of the Great Depression. It’s like a dark era.

Remembering The Champ

“Muhammad Ali came across at a point when the country began to pay attention to black feats. He came in like a jack-in-the-box like, ‘BOW!’ But then, he really started to do some things, like joining the Nation of Islam, changing his name and saying things like, ‘White folks, y’all ain’t got us right!’ He went into fifth gear, which made people say, ‘What! This n—– ain’t happy?’ That is hip-hop. Brashly coming out and saying I’m not going to be defined by anyone who defines me — I’m living by a self-definition.

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“That’s Muhammad Ali. He didn’t have to do any of that.

“I never met Muhammad Ali. I had the utmost joy to do the Ali Rap thing. That was the closest I came. I heard that Mr. Ali loved it.

“And, as far as Muhammad Ali, as legacy goes … at first it was like, What is this? Who is this man that looks like us? There was a time when the definition applied, my family, in a 10-year period, went from Negro to black. When we were Negroes, I very much remember, at 5 years old [in 1965], who Cassius Clay was. ‘That’s Cassius Clay! That’s Cassius Clay! Cassius Clay is fighting! Cassius Clay is fighting!’ And then he became Muhammad Ali. We were totally confused as kids about what civil rights were and why we weren’t Negroes anymore — some of us would still refer to ourselves as colored and Negro. One thing that was absolutely certain is that, by the end of the decade, thanks in part to Muhammad Ali, we knew that black was beautiful.”

Hi Folks,

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Hope you all are doing great.

We all know that everything happens for a reason. Trust me after reading this article you will get some perfect sense and all those reasons for opening balance migration.

This blog series will cover the strategy to migrate the opening balances from the legacy system to Microsoft Dynamics D365FO. Kindly note that this is Part 1 for the blog post 'Opening Balance Migration'.


Whenever we want to move from the legacy system to the new system, we also need to move the opening balances as well. There are a couple of methodologies available to upload and migrate the opening balances. However, here I would like to share my experience to migrate the opening balances.

Master Data

The first step is to upload all the master data in the system. Make sure the respective department head and Finance needs to verify and approve all the following masters

  1. Chart of account
  2. Financial dimensions
  3. Vendor master
  4. Customer master
  5. Fixed asset master
  6. Bank master

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Notes for Business

  • All opening balances will be posted on a cutoff date let's say 1st July 2019.
  • We will use a unique journal and voucher series to upload and post the opening balances so that we can easily identify and verify these transactions.
  • Bank, vendor invoices, vendor advances, and fixed asset acquisition and depreciation will be posted through sub-ledger(Module)
  • Asset account(Debit balance) - As we know that asset account will have a debit balance, so when we migrate balances for asset, bank, AR and inventory we will offset 9999XX account.
  • Liability account(Credit balance) - For liability accounts AP, loans, accumulated depreciation and equity we need to offset 999999 account

Vendor balance (999901 for vendor OB)

We will use the General Journal to upload the vendor balances. Below will be the entry.

  • Credit – Vendor
  • Debit - 999901

To upload the vendor advances, I would suggest creating the new vendor invoice journal.

Make sure to record the description, sales tax group, item sales tax group, invoice number, due date, document, and document date. Below is the SS for your reference

Bank balances (999902 for bank balance)

We will use the General Journal to upload the bank balances.

  • Debit – Bank
  • Credit – 999902

Fixed assets (999903 for fixed assets)


All assets will be acquired by using the fixed asset acquisition journal in the fixed asset module. All the asset will be acquired on the cutoff date that is 1st July 2019. Make sure that in the asset master acquisition date will be set up to 1st July 2019. Also, the status of fixed asset acquisition will be not yet acquired.

Here will be the entry for the fixed asset acquisition

  • Debit – Asset acquisition account
  • Credit - 999903

Once the acquisition journal has been posted business user can view the voucher


We will use the fixed asset depreciation journal to run the depreciation for the fixed asset. Make sure that the status of all the asset must be 'Open'. The open status means that the fixed asset is already acquired in the system.

Also, in the depreciation fast tab, 'Calculate depreciation' checkmark must be enabled. The system will start calculating the depreciation based on Placed in Service and Depreciation Run date.

Use the depreciation proposal to run the depreciation for all the asset on the 1st July 2019. The system will propose the below entry for the depreciation.

  • Debit – 999903
  • Credit – Accumulated depreciation

Once the fixed asset depreciation has been posted, check the Voucher

Fixed Asset Books Status

Once the fixed asset acquisition and depreciation has been posted we can see that the status of the fixed asset is 'Closed' in the below Screenshot.

Ledger balance (999904 for ledger balance)

In order to upload the opening balances in the Live/production environment, we will create one account 999904. Use the General journal to upload and record the ledger balances. Below is the screenshot for your information.


For verification purposes following reports are available in the system.

  1. Trial balance
  2. Vendor invoice transactions
  3. Customer invoice transitions
  4. Fixed asset balance report
  5. Bank transactions


  • Once we complete our migration process and post all the Opening balance the net balance of account 9999XX will be zero. Also, we need to suspend this account for future transactions.
  • We also need to suspend the Opening balance journals as well as the voucher series for the opening balance.

If you have any feedback or concern please feel free to share.

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Cheers (Y)

Ali Danish

Microsoft Dynamics D365FO Consultant

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